Carved Driftwood Creatures by
Elton Wilkerson
Sold out but we are taking Special Orders - Contact Us
This piece of driftwood art stands 20" x 3 1/2" and this piece is
selling for $46.00
This unique piece stands 17" x 4" and sells for $39.00
This piece
stands 16" x 6" and sells for $44.00
This piece of driftwood art stands 20" x 3" and sells for $39.00
Driftwood Art - The Drifters or Natural Santas Created by Mary Elton Wilkerson
I have always love driftwood art
and coastal art involving the ocean or beach. Walking on the
beaches is one of my favorite past times. For years I have
collected sea glass,
shells and other wonderful things off the beach. I am not sure
how I got started carving driftwood but I love creating Santas and other images from pieces of
wood I find on the beach. Actually I just loved carved art and
handmade crafts.
When I pick up a piece of driftwood it speaks to me. Of course I
don’t mean literally but the driftwood does have a creative
voice. When I look at the driftwood I can see a face in the
wood. Sounds a little strange to see faces in wood but it is my
The DRIFTERS or as some call them Natural Santas are special little
creatures designed for your enjoyment
and imagination. I know you will enjoy having one of these guys
as a conversation piece and decoration.
My husband
has a wild imagination. He explained that long ago a Spanish
treasure ship left port and sailed around the horn of Africa headed for
the port of San Fransisco. The journey went well until ship
encounter rough weather off the central coast of California. The
ship sank and all of Spanish sailors were lost in the cold waters of
the Central Atlantic.
It is said the souls of those dead sailors drifted through the paths of
sea looking for a way to reach land. Eventually the dead sailors
discover they could embed their spirits into driftwood in hopes the
wood would reach land.
Mary tells me she can see faces in the driftwood she gathers.
Could those faces she sees
be the lost souls off that Spanish ship? I don't know but I do
believe the driftwood art, the Drifters, Mary
Elton Wilkerson carves are incrediably unique and have a way of
reaching into your own soul. If you are looking for a great piece
of coastal art you have certainly
Come to the right website.
I told you my husband had a large imagination. Truthfully, I
don't think sailors souls are in the wood but I do love the idea of
making driftwood
art out of the wood I find on the beach.
If you don't find that special drifter to fall in love with just send
note with your ideas and Mary
can design one especially for you. Mary will be more than glad to help you
with special orders Just
us and we
will work out the details for special orders.
Each piece of driftwood art in this gallery has a special page
dedicated to
description and price. All you have to do is select the Drifter
would like to view in a larger image and click. These special
pages also have information about the piece, prices, and ordering
information. Take your time viewing Mary's hand carved coastal
art and
you have any questions please contact
us today.
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You do not have to open an account in order to purchase our products
through PayPal. We want to make your purchase easy, safe and
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policy. To learn more about our policies visit our customer service page.